About Me

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A young man seeking after the Lord's will for my life. I am a believer in the One True God (John 14:6). A current student in college excited to be transferred to a Christian school to major in Youth Ministries!!! Yeah I believe the Lord is leading me to His ministry!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Up until about a year ago, if someone were to ask me: “Hey is there just one girl out there for you to marry?” I would have said emphatically “YES!!!”  But now I am not so emphatic, if not I’m downright “I don’t know!” Let me explain…

Due to the questioning of some friends who challenged my belief, I began to question myself.  A lot of “what-if’s” started entering my mind and a few excellent points were made.  So I think a better answer may that ideally “yes” but practically there are plenty of women/men that could best suit you and your needs.

Allow me to explain, I believe ideally God has that “perfect” spouse for you.  If you think about it, you get married to one person.  Are you really going to question yourself even after you are married? Well there you go, they are the “perfect” spouse for you.  With the permanence of marriage, it seems pretty cut and dry that God hates divorce (Mal. 2:16).  Also marriage is used as an analogy between Christ and the church (Eph. 5).  Marriage is an important concept in God’s plan.  Marriage is permanent, just like salvation, there is nothing two sinners that are saved by grace cannot work through with the help of Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Yes I don’t believe believers should divorce, period, no exceptions (Maybe someday I’ll do a post on the so-called “Exception Passage” of Matthew 19).  So marriage is permanent, “till death do us part!”

Alright so the person I’ve married, or will marry is the “one”, but you’re telling me she is the “only one”!?!?  I used to say “yeah”, now I’ll say “maybe”.  Why? Because, to be honest, there are plenty of people out there that may be a great companion for you.  All I have to offer is my experience, never dating, but the few girls I have seriously liked, I liked them because they would make a great companion for me.  At least I believe that, but you could ask them if you want.

But none of them worked out… my point exactly.  They could have but they didn’t.  Does that mean there is only one? Maybe so, maybe not.

I don’t believe in dating around.  I don’t think that is at all something that we should do.  Yet dating just one person may not work for everyone either.  It’ll work for me because I gave that area to God and yes He will provide, I’ve seen Him provide because I have yet to date any girl.  Yes I believe that is His provision on that promise.  Yes I believe that if anyone were to do what I did, God will provide.  Why not? I did this very early on in my life of wanting to date.  Of course that may also be why I believe that there may only be just one girl for me.  Yeah I can be that dense.

I believe that God will grant my desire and I believe that anyone that surrenders that area to God, He will provide.  Why not? It sure makes for a great testimony of marriage.

God & Guns: Coexistence?

With the media firestorm about firearms we can add a third item to the list of “things to never bring up unless you want an argument!!!” (you know politics, religion and now firearms).  While politics ain’t exactly my cup of tea, God and Guns, on the other hand, is something I will gladly discuss.  I could go all day on both those topics alone.  Can a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior advocate a wretched item of destruction such as a gun????  I say absolutely!!!

           Let’s lay some groundwork for my argument.  Really the topic at hand is firearms.  The whole idea for this blog is making a case for God so firearms will be the topic at discussion.

           The liberal media (rabbit trail comin’ here) is just blasting firearms for no good reason.  They are criticizing responsible citizens for not wanting gun control, in response to mass shootings across the nation.  Irresponsible, angry maniacs get a hold of guns and start killing for the sake of killing (the true criminal) and they are being labeled as clinically insane, in response our government wants to make laws banning guns or “high capacity” magazines to make us, the responsible, law-abiding citizen safer???  I fail to see how making a law for the citizen to follow will make me safer as criminals by nature break laws.  Am I the only one not seeing the logic here?!?!

           I apologize for the rabbit trail, not what I was intending.  Anyways, I ask what is the real problem? Common sense says it is the person behind the object.  The world says that the problem is the object because people are “basically good” (they fail to read their Bibles {Romans 1-3}).  Inanimate objects are labeled as dangerous, respectfully so, but then banned or somehow made “safer”.  No longer is it the person who is at fault.  The same people that want to ban guns are the same people that refuse to take responsibility for their actions.  The person behind the gun is the problem.  Let’s not forget American history and how guns have been used for good and for bad.  This nation was built on the right and responsibility to use and own guns.

           Do I own a gun? Yes I own three of them and I want to build that collection daily.  I own a .22 caliber Savage MK II bolt-action rifle.  I own a Heckler & Koch USP .45 and a Springfield Armory XDM 9mm.  Much of my time is spent researching firearms.  Guns are a huge part of my life.  Illinois is the only state without conceal carry, which will change soon, and as soon as it does I am applying for it.

           Self-Defense.  You say the likelihood of me needing to use my gun for self-defense is slim to none.  Really?!?! Tell that to the people involved in mass shootings.  Tell that to the people who do use them daily for self-defense, but you don’t hear about those stories in mass media (no I am NOT talking about the military).  Look up all the stories about how guns have saved lives in everyday living here in the United States.  Yeah happens daily!!!

           Me? I love guns.  They are tools and that’s how I use it, it’s also a hobby for me.