About Me

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A young man seeking after the Lord's will for my life. I am a believer in the One True God (John 14:6). A current student in college excited to be transferred to a Christian school to major in Youth Ministries!!! Yeah I believe the Lord is leading me to His ministry!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Our Total Depravity

You know I spent some time thinkingabout our sin nature and what theologians call our "totally depraved nature".  You don't have to go to far in the Bible to see how far man has fallen.  The first two chapters of Genesis are a picture of perfection.  Man was created perfect and was given one rule by God when placed in the Garden of Eden, Gen. 2:16.  I find of very interesting to think about what the first sin actually was.  Considering Gods command, the first sin was eating of the tree God had commanded not to.

So man's fall is recorded in Genesis 3, how far did man actually fall after that?  Turn the page to Genesis chapter 4.  We see a jealous hatred that leads to murder.  Still in chapter 4 Gods institution of marriage is ruined when a man takes two women for wives rather than simply one woman.  Murder and polygamy... Man falls hard and fast.

Romans 3 is the total depravity chapter.  Man can do no good apart from God and when given the choice between God and man, man always choose himself.  I am amazed at people who think that we can earn our way to heaven and an idea that man has free will.  That free will is flawed because of our sin nature.  We cannot get to heaven through our good works and graces.  There is no "holy scale" that measures your good and bad works.

The one way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ who is Gods Son and God himself (John3:16;10:30).  is died on a cross for us, Gods enemies (Psalm 5, Romans 5:6, 19, I Cor. 15:3-4). And only faith upon Him saves us.  (Romans 5:1)

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